1st Century A.D. Contemporary History Studies of Jesus

This is a complete contemporary history of Jesus and His Teachings from 9+ contemporary historians, that were written in the 1st century A.D. Though these 27 contemporary histories are very old, They reveal His complete, accurate, and still applicable new Way to please Him for those that are interested, curious or desiring to do as He has instructed.

These all were written in Koine Greek in the 1st century A.D. There is ample proof that These have been preserved in Their completeness. There have been many challenges to them, but all have been shown to be errors. Also, during the first two centuries A.D., no one wrote that these contemporary writers revealed any errors as to these Teachings coming from Jesus of Bethlehem, the Son of God. They may have not become a genuine disciple of Him, but they have never provided any evidence that these Writings have errors or reported any false events.

These Text are not attempting to convert folks to any man designed idea of new or accepted religious philosophies. They are provided to reveal exactly what He commanded and taught, as to what was named His “New Covenant”. Each person of any nation or generation is enabled, thus, to decide if His new Way is Truth and to ‘reform’ to His one unique Way.

Our goal is to provide the closest English Text, which will allow the reader or student to have and understand exactly what a Greek reader or hearer would have had in the 1st century A.D. from Jesus’ contemporary historians, who He assigned to reveal His New Covenant.

This English translation of His Koine Greek original Text is the very best by far of any English interpretation done to date (July 2021). Dr. McCord (THD) not only did this English translation, he provided an ‘Appendix’, explaining why he made changes to others interpretations of the Text, which no New Testament provides its users.

After you have read each contemporary history, you will notice a provided ‘Study of the Text’. Click it and you will see a complete study of that Text from the very beginning to the end of the Text. You will find this kind of study will allow you to understand the genuine ‘theme’ of the Letter and understand the ‘Thoughts’ as they progress through each Letter. Jesus wrote or assisted these writers in the writing of all these Text, thus, you will be able to understand Him and His new Way.

Each of these Text are dated and in chronological order from Their 1st century original writing. There is a given numerical numbering system that follows the ‘Thoughts’ as they are revealed in each Text (You will note: (1), (2), etc.). Also, because all the original Koine Greek Text did not have punctuation or marks for chapters or verses, neither does this Text. Each Text was one ‘themed’ Message and ought to be studied in Its entirety, rather than picking out things from the given context. Most preachers and writers do that for their desired results, but the writers of the 1st century wrote their Text to present the specific ‘theme’ Jesus wanted to reveal. We did, though, add at the end of occasional sentences or paragraphs, a reference from standard New Testament interpretations that are for your study convenience (with { }).

Our hope is you find this both useful and helpful. It cost you nothing and you may download it in part or in whole, as you wish. It is free to you all and we expect you will also provide It to anyone, again, at no charge for these contemporary histories and the studies. Enjoy.