Dr. Paul’s 1st Contemporary History to Timothy
Dr. Paul writes a 1st century AD contemporary history to a co-worker, Timothy, he has trained for several years and used in many ways, to ensure that the Kingdom of Jesus has a consistent citizenship in every city in which It is planted. Timothy is now in Ephesus and Dr. Paul in Macedonia. This appears to be after Dr. Paul has returned from Spain (A.D.63-65ish), but it is only known by secular history that he did work there, and that Dr. Paul made that evangelistic effort. He had every intent to do so upon completion of the Roman events. There is little written validation as to when this Letter was written, except that it was in the 1st century A.D. and was by Dr. Paul. As you will read and study, it makes little difference as to the timing of the subject and points for this Letter and Its importance. Dr. Paul is expressing that certain structures and dedicated life-styles represent genuine ‘Disciples’ of ‘the Faith’ and that Timothy is to assure they continue in his earlier work for Jesus’ Kingdom. Too, Dr. Paul strongly emphasizes Timothy’s own character for folks to know he is Jesus’ servant. Dr. Paul begins with 3 specific works Timothy is to accomplish.
Date: A.D. 63-64ish
(1st) Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus according to the Commandment of God our Savior, and of Christ Jesus our Hope, to Timothy, my true child in faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. {1:2}
(2nd) As I went to Macedonia, I exhorted you to stay in Ephesus, that you might charge certain ones not to teach [A] a different doctrine, neither [B] to give attention to myths and [C] endless genealogies, which bring about arguments, rather than God’s training, that is in ‘the Faith’. The aim of the Commandment is love: from [1] a pure heart and from [2] a good conscience and from [3] a sincere faith. Some have deviated from these, and have strayed after empty talk, wanting to be teachers of the Law, but understanding neither [a] what they are saying, nor [b] the things about which they are so sure.
We know that the Law is good, if, anyone uses it lawfully. This knowing, that Law was not appointed for the upright, but for the lawless and unruly, for the godless and sinners, for the unholy and irreligious, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for fornicators, for homosexuals, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing which opposes healthful Teaching, according to the glorious Good News of the praised God, with which I was entrusted. {1:11}
(3rd) I thank Him, Who has enabled me, Christ Jesus our Lord, because He considered me faithful, and placed me into service. Formerly I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent person, but more so, I received [1] mercy, because I acted ignorantly in unbelief, and [2] the Grace of our Lord overflowed with ‘the Faith’ and the Love that are in Christ Jesus. {1:14}
(4th) The Word [is] reliable! And deserving of full acceptance: that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. But more so, on account of this, I received mercy, so that in me as the worst, Christ Jesus might display all His patience, as an example for those who are persuaded upon Him unto eternal life. Now to the King of the ages: immortal, invisible, the only God, are the honor and praise forever and ever, amen! {1:17}
(5th) I commit to you ‘this’ charge, my child Timothy, in accordance with the prophecies which pointed to you, that by them: you might [A] fight the good fight, [B] holding faith, and [C] a good conscience. Some have rejected these, and have shipwrecked their faith, of whom are Hymeneus and Alexander, whom I have delivered to Satan, that they may be taught not to blaspheme. {1:20}
[A] First of all, I urge you to make: supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for all people, for kings and all in authority, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and proper conduct. This [is] excellent and acceptable before God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved, and to come to a ‘complete understanding’ of the Truth. {2:4}
There is one [unique] God, and there is one [unique] Mediator between God and mankind, the person Christ Jesus, [A] Who gave Himself as the ransom for all, [B] the Witness at the proper time. I was appointed for Him [1] a preacher and [2] an Apostle (I speak truth, I am not falsifying), [3] a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and Truth. {2:7}
[B] I will, thus, that [1] the men pray in every place, lifting up holy hands without anger and argument; and, in the same way, [2] that the women adorn themselves with [a] appropriate apparel, in modesty and good sense; [b] not with elaborate hair styles, and [c] gold or pearls or expensive clothing, but more so, [d] through good works, which befit women professing godliness.
The woman must learn in quietness in all subjection. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but more so, to be in quietness, for Adam was first formed, and then Eve. Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. However, she will be saved through childbearing, if they [women] continue in [a] faith and [b] love and [c]dedication with good sense. {2:15}
(6th) The Word [is] reliable! [A] If a man aspires to be an overseer, he desires a noble work. The overseer [1] has to be [is obligated] above reproach, [2] the husband of one wife, [3] clear-headed, [4] sensible, [5] orderly, [6] hospitable, [7] able in teaching, [8] not given to wine, [9] not quick-tempered, but more so, [10] gentle, [11] not contentious, [12] not greedy for money, [13] ruling his own family well, [14] having his children in subjection with all respectfulness. (If anyone does not know how to rule his own family, how will he take care of the congregation of God?) [15] He must not be a novice, lest he become puffed up, and fall into the devil’s condemnation. Also, [16] he has to have a good reputation among those who are outside, lest he fall into disgrace, and the devil’s trap.
[B] Likewise, the deacons [1] have to be respectful, [2] not double-tongued, [3] not fond of much wine, [4] not greedy for money, [5] holding the Mystery of ‘the Faith’ in a pure conscience.
[C] These [both] must first be tested, ‘then’ they ought to serve, being blameless. [D] Likewise, their [both] wives must be [1] respectful, [2] not slanderous, [3] self-controlled, [4] faithful in all things. The deacons must be [1] the husband of one wife, [2] ruling well their children and their own households.
[E] They [elders & deacons], who have served well, gain for themselves an excellent standing, and great boldness in faith that is in Christ Jesus. {3:13}
(7th) I am writing these things, hoping to come to you right away, but if I am delayed, that you can know [oida] how you must [are obligated] conduct yourself in God’s family, who is the called-out people of the living God, the pillar [s] and foundation [s] of the Truth. {3:15}
Undeniably, the Mystery of God likeness is great: [1] He was revealed in flesh, [2] justified in spirit, [3] seen by angels, [4] proclaimed among the Gentiles, [5] believed on in the world, [6] received into glory. {3:16}
The Spirit speaks explicitly that in the future some will fall away from ‘the Faith’, embracing deceitful spirits and demonic doctrines, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared, forbidding to marry, abstaining from foods, which God created unto acceptance with thanksgiving by the ones who believe and have understood the Truth. Every creature of God is good, and when it is received with thanksgiving, nothing is rejected. It is set apart by God’s Teaching and prayer.
As you point out these things to the brothers, you will be a noble servant of Jesus Christ, [A] training them in words of ‘the Faith’, and [B] in the precious Teaching which you have followed. You must [C] reject worldly and silly tales, and [D] must train yourself in godliness, for bodily training is scarcely profitable, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of life both now and hereafter.
(8th) The Word [is] reliable! And deserving of full acceptance, for which we labor and exert ourselves, because we have hoped in the living God, Who is the Savior of all people, especially of the ones who believe.
It is imperative that [1] you charge and [2] teach these things. You must let no one look down on you because you are young, but more so, [3] you must be an example of the faithful: in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Until I come, [4] you must apply yourself: to reading, [5] to encouragement, [6] to teaching. [7] You must not neglect the gift which is in you, which was given to you through prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the Eldership. [8] You must be diligent in these things, and [9] must be absorbed in them, so that your progress may be known to all. [10] You must pay constant attention [a] to yourself, and [b] to the Teaching; [11] you must continue in them, for by doing this, you will save both yourself and the ones who hear you. {4:16}
[12] You should not reprimand an older man, but more so, [a] ought to: entreat him as a father; [b] the younger men as brothers; [c] the older women as mothers; [d] the younger women as sisters in all purity. [13] You must honor true widows. If a widow has children or grandchildren, they must first learn to show respect to their own family, and to repay their parents, for this is pleasing in God’s sight. The true widow has been left alone; she hopes in God and continues in supplications and prayers night and day. But she who lives in self-indulgence, although living, is dead. [14] You must command these things, that they may be blameless. If anyone does not provide for his own, especially his own family, he has denied ‘the Faith’ and is worse than an unbeliever.
[15] You must not allow a widow under sixty years of age be enrolled, [a] having been the wife of one man, [b] with a reputation for excellent deeds: [c] if she has reared children, [d] if she has been hospitable, [e] if she has washed the saints’ feet, [f] if she has helped those in trouble, [g] if she has devoted herself to every good work. [16] You must reject younger widows, for when [a] they are drawn from Christ by fleshly impulses, they want to marry, having condemnation, because they have rejected the first ‘Faith’. [b] At the same time, they learn to be idle, going from house to house; and not only idle, but more so, [c] tattlers also, and [d] busybodies, saying things they should not.
Therefore, I want the younger women [1] to marry, [2] to bear children, [3] to manage the household, and [4] to give no occasion for criticism, for some already have gone astray after Satan. [17] If any faithful woman has widows, she must help them, and must not let the congregation be burdened, that it may help true widows. {5:16}
[18] The elders who rule well, [a] must be considered worthy of a double honorarium, especially those engaged in speaking and teaching; for the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle the threshing ox [Deut.25:4],” and “A worker is worthy of his pay [Lk.10:6].” [b] You must not acknowledge a charge against an elder except on the testimony of two or three witnesses. [c] You must correct publicly the ones [elders] who are sinning, that the rest may fear. {5:20}
I charge you in the sight of God, and of Christ Jesus, and of the chosen angels: [A] to observe these things [1] without prejudice, [2] doing nothing in favoritism. [B] You must not place hands on anyone without deliberation; [C] you must not participate in the sins of others; [D] you must keep yourself pure. [E] You must not drink water any longer, but more so, you ought to use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
The sins of some people are out in the open, going before to the Judgment, but others show up later. Likewise, honorable deeds are also out in the open; otherwise, they cannot be hidden. {5:25}
[19] Slaves under the yoke must consider their own masters [a] as worthy of all honor, [b] so that God’s Name and the Teaching be not defamed. [c] They must not despise believing masters, because they are brothers. Rather, [d] they must serve enslaved to them, for the ones who benefit from the service are beloved believers. {6:2}
[20] You must teach these things and [21] must exhort. [A] If anyone teaches differently and [B] does not agree with the wholesome Words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and [C] with godly Teaching, he is [1] puffed up, understanding nothing. [2] But more so, he has an unhealthy desire for arguments and [3] word-battles, from which come: [a] envy, [b] strife, [c] hurtful talk, [d] evil suspicions, and [e] wranglings of mankind [1)] ruined in mind, [2)] without the Truth, [3)] supposing that godliness is a means of gain. {6:5}
(9th) But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world and can take nothing out; and since we have food and clothes, we ought to be content with these. Those wanting to be rich [A] fall into temptation and [B] a trap, and [C]into many senseless and harmful lusts, which drown people into destruction and ruin. A root of all evils is the strong affection of money, after which some have striven, and have wandered away from ‘the Faith’, and have stabbed themselves through with many sorrows. {6:10}
But you, a person of God, [21] must run from these things; and [22] must pursue: righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patient endurance, and gentleness. [23] You must fight the noble fight of ‘the Faith’. [24] You must lay hold of eternal life, unto which you were called, and you made the precious confession in the sight of many witnesses.
I charge you in the sight of God (who makes all things live), and of Christ Jesus (who before Pontius Pilate made the precious confession), that you keep the Commandment [a] without blemish and [b] without reproach, until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ. This, the Praised and only Sovereign, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, will display at the proper time. He is the only immortal being, living in unapproachable light, Whom no human has or can see! To Him is the honor and strength eternal! Amen. {6:16}
(10th) [25] You must charge the rich in this world neither to be proud, nor to put their hope in uncertain riches, but more so, in God, Who richly supplies to us all things unto enjoyment; that [1] they work that which is good; that [2] they be: [a] rich in kind deeds, [b] willing to give and [c] to share; [3] laying up in store for themselves an excellent foundation for the future, that [4] they may lay hold on the Life-Reality!
Timothy, [26] it is imperative that you guard the deposit entrusted to you, [a] avoiding profane and empty talk, and [b] contradictions of ‘understanding’, falsely so called. Some give themselves out as experts in these and have deviated from ‘the Faith’. Grace be with you.