Dr. Paul’s contemporary history to the congregation of Jesus’ Kingdom in Corinth
Doctor Paul writes this final Letter (his 4th to Corinth) after Titus came to Philippi, jubilant over the reforms in the congregation at Corinth. Titus had just completed his intense effort, by Doctor Paul’s request, of directing the congregation to reform and restore the correct Teachings and the heart of Jesus’ Kingdom. (He was in Corinth for about a year.) After several Letters, efforts by several competent workers and about four years of constant interaction, this last Letter from Dr. Paul expresses his rejoicing and a description of their reform. He, too, is sending Titus back with this Letter to accomplish the ‘plan’ Dr. Paul began there about four years earlier. He had planned a huge contribution for Judah’s saints, to be accumulated from all the Roman Provinces in which he had established Jesus’ Kingdom. Corinth was to be the city he would group the gift, and from there have it delivered to the Jerusalem congregation for distribution. This would be the 2nd time Dr. Paul was involved with such a plan for helping the Jewish christians, but more so, this one was with, this time, a massive contribution. Also, it made the needed tie and transition coming during the Jewish war (AD66-70), much easier for the necessary move for Jewish christians from Palestine and Jerusalem, as Jesus had made it clear of the necessity to move to other lands before it happens.
The two Letters (along with the details of Dr. Luke’s History concerning Jesus’ Kingdom in Corinth and Ephesus) must be studied together (Just as the two Letters to Thessalonica should.) for a complete understanding of Dr. Paul’s efforts and the timing of events.
This last Letter is written from Philippi after Titus finds Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul will, soon after this Letter is delivered by Titus, return to Corinth one more time for three months. The final erroring few mentioned in the last few thoughts in the fourth Letter, will be dealt with; also, the writing of the Roman Contemporary History, having need of an ‘introductory’ Letter, because he plans to visit after the delivery of the contribution. (He has never been there, and the Letter to them will include the most complete lesson explaining the Good News of Jesus, preserved by the Holy Spirit); and the coming together of the contribution from many congregations for the Palestinian christians. This will be escorted by several men from all those areas and Dr. Paul to the Jerusalem elders for distribution. This can be found in Dr. Luke’s contemporary history named: The early acts of some leading men in the developing and establishing of Jesus’ Kingdom with the perfect guiding of the Holy Spirit (AD30-62).
Date: A.D. 56ish
(1st) Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus by God’s Will, and Timothy our brother, to God’s called-out people in Corinth, with all the saints throughout Achaia: Grace to you all and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. {1:2}
(2nd) Extol, honor and praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort! He comforts us in all our trouble, so that we can comfort those in any trouble by the comfort through which we ourselves have been comforted by God. As the sufferings of Christ increase unto us, so our comfort increases through Christ. Whether we are troubled, it is for your comfort and salvation; or whether we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which works into a patient endurance of the same sufferings which we also suffer. Further, our hope for you is well-founded, since we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so you will also be of the comfort. {1:7}
Brothers, we do not want you to be uninformed about the trouble which came upon us in Asia, that we were weighed down beyond our ability to endure, but more so, we despaired even of living. Yes, we had the sentence of death within ourselves, so that we might not put confidence in ourselves, but more so, in God Who raises the dead. He rescued us from so terrible a death and will rescue us. We have hoped in Him that He will also yet rescue us, while you join in, and help us by prayer, so that many people will give thanks on our behalf unto the gift that many have given to us. {1:11}
(3rd) This is our confidence, the testimony of our conscience, that in single-hearted devotion and in Godly sincerity, not in human wisdom, but more so, in God’s Grace, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and more especially toward you. We write no other things to you, but more so, what you read and understand, and I hope you will fully understand; even as you have also partially understood, because we are your ground for boasting – just as you are ours – in the Day of our Lord Jesus.
In this persuasion I was planning first to come to you, in order that you might be blessed twice, and from you to pass along through to Macedonia, and again to come to you, and to be helped on my way to Judea by you. Does this planning mean I am fickle? Or do I plan according to human standards, that with me might be the “Yes, Yes,” and the “No, No”? As God is trustworthy, our Message to you is not “Yes” and “No!” The Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us (by Silas, Timothy, and me), was not “Yes” and “No,” but more so, in Him is “Yes”! As many as are God’s promises, in Him, is the “Yes.” Therefore, by Him also is the “Amen” to God’s praise through us.
Now, God is the One who strengthens you with us unto Christ, and Who anointed us; Who also sealed us, and has given us the Pledge of the Spirit in our hearts. I call upon God for a witness against my soul, that to spare you, I have not yet come to Corinth. It is not that we are lords over ‘the Faith’ of you, but more so, that we are fellow workers of your joy, for you stand firm in ‘the Faith’. I have determined within myself not to come again to you sorrowfully. If I make you sorrowful, who makes me glad, except the one who is made sorrowful by me? I have written this, [4th Letter] so that, when I come, I would not have sorrow from those who ought to make me happy. I have confidence in all of you, that my joy is your joy. Out of intense suffering and anxiety of heart, I wrote [x] to you [3rd Letter] with many tears, not that you might be grieved, but more so, that you might understand how much I love you. If anyone has caused grief, he has not grieved me, but more so, all of you to some degree, that I might not be too severe with you. This punishment against such a person by the majority is sufficient, so that you may rather forgive and comfort him, lest such a one be engulfed by even more grief. I beg you to assure him of your love. I also wrote [3rd Letter], that I might discern your character, if you are obedient in all things. Now, whom you forgive, I also have forgiven on your behalf in the presence of Christ, so that we might not be outwitted by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his plots. {2:11}
When I came to Troas with Christ’s Good News, and a door was opened to me in the Lord, I had no rest in my spirit, because I could not find my brother Titus; so, I said good-bye to those of Troas, and I went away to Macedonia. But thanks be to God who always leads us in His triumphal train in Christ, and wafts through us the aroma of His understanding everywhere. We are Christ’s aroma to God among the ones who are being saved, and among the ones who are perishing: to some indeed, a fatal stench; to the others, a life-giving fragrance. Who is sufficient for these things? We are not as many, who are peddling God’s Message for profit. Rather, as of sincerity, as from God and in His presence, we continue to speak in Christ. {2:17}
(4th) Are we beginning again to commend ourselves? Or do we need letters of commendation to you or from you, as some do? You are our letter, and you are written in our hearts; you are understood and read by all people. You are Christ’s clear letter written by us, not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not on stones, but in human hearts. We have such a confidence as this through Christ toward God. It is not that we are sufficient in ourselves, to consider anything as though it were from ourselves; but our sufficiency is from God, who has enabled us to be servants of the “New Covenant”: [1] not of the Letter, but of the Spirit; [2] for the Letter kills, but the Spirit makes alive. [3] Now, if the deadly ministry which was engraved in stone letters was glorious, so that the Israelites could not look on Moses’ face because of its glory (a glory that was transient), will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? [4] If the ministry of guilt was glorious, how much more does the ministry of justification exceed in glory! [5] That which had been glorious could not compare with the superior glory. If that which is transient is glorious, how much more glorious is that which remains? Therefore, since we have such a hope as this [?], we proceed with added boldness; but not as Moses, who veiled his face so that the Israelites did not see the end of that which was transient. Their minds were hardened; for until today the same veil remains at the reading of the Old Covenant, since It is not revealed to them that it is ‘done away’ in Christ. Until today, a veil remains on their heart when Moses is read; but when they turn to the Lord, the veil is removed. The Lord is the Spirit, and there is liberty where the Spirit of the Lord is. Now, while we all continue to gaze with an unveiled face at the Lord’s glory, as in a mirror, we are being transformed into the same image from glory unto glory, as from the Spirit of the Lord. {3:18}
Therefore, since we have this ‘service’, even as we have received mercy, we are not discouraged. But more so, we have renounced the secret things of shame, neither walking deceitfully, nor distorting God’s Message; but more so, in the disclosure of the Truth, we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in God’s sight. If our Good News is hidden, it is hidden among those who are lost. This world’s god has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the light-bringing Good News of the glorious Christ, Who is God’s “exact” image, should shine upon them. We do not proclaim ourselves, but more so, Jesus Christ the Lord, and ourselves your slaves because of Jesus. The God, Who said, “Light will shine out of darkness,” [Gen. 1:3-4; Job 29:3; Ps. 18:28; 28:4] has shined in our hearts with the light-bringing understanding of the glorious God in the person of Jesus Christ. We have this treasure in clay vessels, that the excellency of the power may always be of God, and not of us. In everything [A] we are troubled, but more so, not crushed; [B] uncertain, but more so, not despairing; [C] persecuted, but more so, not abandoned; [D] cast down, but more so, not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, that the life of Jesus may also be disclosed in our body. We who live are always being delivered to death because of Jesus, that His life may be made shown in our mortal flesh. So, death works in us, but life in you. We have the same spirit of ‘the Faith’, as it is written, “I have believed, and therefore I have spoken.” [Ps.116:10] We also believe therefore we also speak, knowing that He Who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us with Jesus, and will bring us into His presence with you. All things are for your sakes, that the Grace which has abounded through many people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to God’s glory. {4:15}
Therefore, we are not discouraged, [A] for though our outer person is wearing out, our inner person is being renewed daily. [B] Our momentary light suffering continues to work for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison. [C] We continue to look, not at the things which are visible, but at the things which are invisible; for the visible things are temporary, but the invisible things are eternal. [D] We know [oida] that if our earthly house of the bodily frame is destroyed, [1] we have a building from God, [2] a house not made with hands, [3] eternal in heaven. We groan in this, earnestly desiring to be clothed completely with our heavenly home, if, after we are unclothed, we will not be found naked. We who are in the bodily frame indeed groan, being weighed down; though we do not wish to be unclothed, but completely clothed, that mortality might be swallowed up by the Life. [E]Now, God is the One Who has prepared unto us this very thing, and He has given to us ‘the pledge’ of the Spirit. Therefore, [1] we are always confident, knowing that while we are in the body, we are absent from the Lord; for we walk by faith, not by sight. [2] We are confident, and prefer rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. [3] We strive to be well-pleasing to Him, whether we are present or absent; for all of us must appear before Christ’s judgment seat, that each one may receive the things he did in the body, whether good or evil. [4] We persuade men, since we know the fear of the Lord. {5:11}
We are still manifest to God, and I hope also that we are manifested in your consciences. We do not again commend ourselves to you all, but more so, we do give you an opportunity to boast on our behalf, that you may answer those who boast in appearance, and not in heart. If we are out of our mind, it is for God; if we are sensible, it is for you. Christ’s love impels us, because we have concluded that since One died for the sake of all, then all were dead; and He died for the sake of all, that the living should no longer live for themselves, but more so, for the One Who [1] died for their sake, and [2] was raised. So, from now on, we do not recognize anyone according to the flesh; though we have accepted Christ according to the flesh, but more so, we now no longer need to. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: old things have passed away! Behold [you all ought to listen]! Everything has become new! All things are of God, Who has reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and He has given us ‘the service’ of reconciliation. [A] God always was [<-] in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, and [B] not holding their sins against them; and [C] He Himself, has given to us the Message of reconciliation. We, therefore, are ambassadors on Christ’s behalf, as though God [1] were beseeching through us; [2] we ourselves beg, on Christ’s behalf, “It is imperative that all of you be reconciled to God!” He made Him Who never had familiarity with sin to be sin on our behalf, that by Him we might become God’s righteousness. {5:21}
(5th) Now, we beg you as co-workers not to receive God’s Grace vainly, for He [Yahweh] says, “I listened [with favor-x] to you all at an acceptable time, and I helped [ran to the aid-x] You [sing.] in a day of salvation.” [Is. 49:8f,42:1, 8f] Behold! Right now, is an acceptable time! You must understand this! Now is the day of salvation! In no way are we causing anyone to stumble, that ‘the service’ be not blamed. But more so, in everything we are commending ourselves as God’s servants: [1] in much patience, [2] in sufferings, [3] in necessities, [4] in troubles, [5] in beatings, [6] in prisons, [7] in disturbances, [8] in labors, [9] in much loss of sleep, [10] in fastings, [11] in purity, [12] in understanding, [13] in longsuffering, [14] in kindness, [15] in the Holy Spirit, [16] in genuine love, [17] in the Message of Truth, [18] in God’s power; [19] by the weapons of righteousness on the right and the left, [20] by honor and dishonor, [21] by bad reports and good reports, [22] as deceitful and honest, [23] as unknown and well-known, [24] as dying, and behold![you must pay attention!] We live; [25] as disciplined and not killed; [26] as grieving, but always rejoicing; [27]as beggars, but making many people rich; [28] as having nothing but owning everything. {6:10}
We speak freely to you, Corinthians, and our heart is opened wide. You are not constricted in us, but rather in your own hearts. In return (I speak as to children), you all must allow your hearts to be opened wide. Do not be mismatched with unbelievers. [A] What sharing is there between righteousness and lawlessness? [B] What fellowship does light have with darkness? [C] What common ground is there between Christ and Belial? [D] What part does a believer have with an unbeliever? [E] What link is there between God’s Temple and idols? Indeed, we are the Temple of a living God! {6:16}
As God has said, “I will dwell in them and live among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people. [Lev.26:12; Jer.32:38; Ez.36:28b,37:27] So, you must come out of their midst, and be set apart. [Ez.20:34]”, says the Lord. “You must not touch an unclean thing” [Is.52:11], and “I will receive you”, [Is.62:12] and “I will be as a father to you, and you shall be as sons and daughters to Me.” [Ps89:29], says the Lord Almighty. {6:18}
Therefore, beloved, since we have these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of flesh and spirit, completing dedication in the fear of God. Make room for us. We have not wronged anyone; we have not led anyone astray; we have not taken advantage of anyone. I do not say this to condemn you, for I have previously said that you are in our hearts to die together and to live together. I have great confidence, and abundant pride in you all; I am filled with encouragement and overflowing in joy in all our troubles. {7:4}
When we arrived unto Macedonia, our flesh had no relief; but more so, we were troubled in every way: fightings without, and fears within. But more so, God – Who comforts the lowly – comforted us by the coming of Titus, and not only by his coming, but more so, also by the encouragement he received among you. He told us of your longing, of your grieving, of your fervor toward me, so that I rejoiced even more. If I made you sad in the letter [3rd], I do not ‘regret’ [remorse] it (though I did ‘regret’ it, because I see that the letter saddened you for a while). I now rejoice, not that you were saddened, but more so, that you were saddened unto a “reformation of mind and life” [seeable actions]. You were saddened in God’s way, and you suffered no loss by us in anything. Godly sadness produces a ‘unregretted’ “reformation of mind and life” unto salvation, but worldly sadness produces death. {7:10}
Behold! For this very reason, how much zeal your godly sadness has called forth in you [by seeable reform]: [A] yes, an apology; [B] yes, indignation; [C] yes, fear; [D] yes, longing; [E] yes, zeal; [F] yes, a righting of the wrong! In everything you have proved yourselves blameless in the matter. I therefore wrote to you [3rd letter], not because of the one who did the wrong, neither because of the one who was wronged, but more so, that your zeal for us might be evident to you before God. On account of this, we have been encouraged. In our encouragement we rejoiced all the more at Titus’ joy, because his spirit was refreshed by all of you. If in anything I have boasted to him about you, I was not ashamed, but as we spoke the Truth about everything to you, so our boasting to Titus was the truth. His affection for you is overflowing, as he remembers the obedience of all of you, and how you received him with fear and trembling. I rejoice that in everything I am confident about you. {7:16}
(6th) Brothers, we want you to understand God’s Grace, which has been bestowed upon the Macedonian congregations, that, in a severe ordeal of affliction, their overflowing joy and deep poverty abounded into rich generosity. According to ability, I tell you, and beyond ability, of their own accord, they were earnestly begging us for the privilege of sharing unto the needs of the saints. This was beyond our expectation, but more so, they had given themselves first to the Lord and to us by God’s Will. Therefore, we urged Titus, that as he had made a beginning, he might likewise complete this Grace unto you. But more so, as you excel in everything: [1] in faith and [2] Word and [3] understanding and [4] all earnestness and [5] love for us, [see that you excel] in this Grace also. {8:7}
I am not commanding you, but more so, proofing [testing] the genuineness of your love through the earnestness of others; for you understand the Grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Who being rich, became a pauper, that through His poverty you might be rich. In this I give my judgment, because this is profitable for you who began a year ago, not only to do, but more so, also, to want to do. Now finish the doing: as there was a willingness, so also complete the doing out of that which you have. If the willingness is there, it is accepted according to what one has, not what he does not have. It is not to give relief to others and hardship to you, but more so, that there be equality. At the present, your abundance fills their need, and another time their abundance will supply your need, making things equal. It is written, “The one who had an abundance did not have too much, and the one who had little did not have a need.” [Ex.16:18] {8:15}
Thanks be to God Who put the same earnestness for you in the heart of Titus; for he indeed accepted our urging, and being himself more earnest, he went to you of his own accord. We have sent with him the brother whose praise in the Good News is among all the congregations. Not only this, but more so, also he was selected by the congregations as our traveling companion with this gift, which is being seen after by us, to the Lord’s glory and our willingness. We are on guard, lest someone find fault with us in this generosity, which is being seen after by us. We have regard for things honorable, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men. We have sent with them our brother, whom we have often proved to be diligent in many ways, and now much more diligent because of the deep trust unto you. If anyone asks about Titus, he is my partner and fellow worker unto you; or our brothers, they are messengers of the congregations, the glory of Christ. Show [demonstrate] therefore to them the proof of your love, of which we boasted about you to the congregations. {8:24}
It is unnecessary for me to write to you about the offering for the saints, for I know of your willingness, of which I boasted to the Macedonians, that Achaia has been prepared for a year, and your zeal has stirred up many of them. But I have sent the brothers, so that our boasting about you in this matter would not be in vain, that you might be prepared, even as I was saying. If any Macedonians should come with me, and should find you unprepared, we (I do not say “you” only) would be humiliated by this assurance. I therefore thought it necessary to ask the brothers to come to you beforehand, to prepare in advance your promised gift, that this might be ready as a gift, not as extortion. But note this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows liberally will also reap liberally. [Prov11:24, 22:9] Each one give as he has decided in the heart, not reluctantly, or of compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Now God can make all Grace abound to you, that you may abound in every good work, always having all sufficiency in everything, even as it is written, “He has scattered abroad, He has given to the needy, His righteousness remains forever.” [Ps.112:9] {9:9}
Now He who provides seed to the sower, and bread for foods, will provide and multiply your seed, and will increase the harvest of your righteousness. You are enriched in everything in all generosity, which brings about thanksgiving to God through us, because the rendering of this ‘service’ not only provides what the saints lack, but more so, also, overflows through many expressions of thanks to God. Through the proofing [testing] of you by this ‘service’, they are praising God because of the obedience of your profession to Christ’s Good News, and the generosity of your contribution to them and to all. They long for you in prayer, because of God’s surpassing Grace in you. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! {9:15}
(7th) I, Paul myself, am begging you by the gentleness and kindness of Christ. I am lowly among you face to face, but bold toward you when I am absent. I pray that when I am present, I need not be bold with the confidence that I propose to show against those who think that we walk according to the flesh. Though we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh. The weapons of our warfare are not physical, but more so, mighty toward God: [1a] in tearing down strongholds, and [b] tearing down arguments, and [c] every high thing that rises-up in opposition to the understanding of God, [2a] and taking every thought captive and [b] making it obey Christ, [3a] and being ready to set right every disobedience, [b] when your [this belligerent group] obedience has been completed. You yourselves look [pay to much attention to] at the outward appearance. {10:7}
If anyone is persuaded in himself that he is Christ’s, he must again consider this about himself: as he himself is Christ’s, so also are we. Though I boast [glory] somewhat more about our authority (which the Lord gave for building up, not for tearing you down), I will not be ashamed. I do not want to frighten you through the Letters, for they say, “His Letters indeed are weighty and powerful, but he is weak in person, and his speaking is nothing.” Let such a person consider this: that of what nature we are in word through Letters when we are absent, we are the same in action when we are present. We are not presumptuous to judge ourselves among or with those who commend themselves. They, measuring themselves among themselves, and judging themselves with themselves, have no [correct] understanding. We do not boast [glory] in the things beyond limits, but more so, (according to the limit of the territory which God has assigned to us) to reach as far as you. We have not overextended ourselves, as though not reaching you, for we came as far as you in the Good News of Christ. {10:14}
We do not boast [glory] in the things beyond limits in the labors of others, but we hope that, as ‘the Faith’ of you all grows, our territory among you may be greatly enlarged. We evangelize the Good News in lands beyond you, not to boast [glory] in the things prepared in another’s territory. “He who boasts [glories], he must boast [glory only] in the Lord.” [Jer. 9:24] He who commends himself is not approved, but more so, whom the Lord commends. {10:18}
I wish you would put up with me in a bit of foolishness. Yes, keep on putting up with me, for I am deeply concerned about you with Godly zeal. I have promised you in marriage to one husband, to present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I am afraid, that as the snake deceived Eve by his cunning, your minds may be led astray from the single-mindedness and the purity which are toward Christ. If he who comes, indeed: [1] proclaims another Jesus whom we did not proclaim, or [2.] you receive a different spirit which you did not receive [from us], or [3] different Good News which you did not receive [from us], you put up with him very well. [no reservations] I do not consider myself inferior in anything to the preeminent Apostles. If I am untrained in speaking, I am not in understanding, since, [A] I have revealed It to you in every way in all things. Did I sin by humbling myself, that you might be exalted? [B]I evangelized God’s Good News to you without charge; I robbed other congregations, receiving support, that I might serve you. When I was with you and in need, I burdened no one, for the brothers who came from Macedonia provided what was needed. In every way I kept myself from being a burden to you, and I will continue to keep myself. As Christ’s Truth is in me, this my boasting [glorying] will not be silenced in the regions of Achaia. Why? Because I do not love you? God knows. I will continue to do what I am doing, in order to cut-off the pretext of those who wish a pretext, so that they might be found to be even as we are, in that, in which they glory. Such men are: 1) false apostles, 2) deceitful workers, who transform themselves [are external guise] into Christ’s apostles. This, however, is not surprising, for Satan transforms himself [‘ditto’] into an angel of light. So, it is no great matter if his servants, also, are: 3) transformed [disguised as] as servants of righteousness, whose outcome will be according to their works. {11:15}
I repeat: let no one think that I am foolish; but if you do, receive me as foolish, that I may boast [glory] a little. I am not speaking as from the Lord, but as in foolishness, yes, in the confidence of boasting. Since many are boasting according to the flesh, I will also. Though you are wise, [shrewd] you are gladly putting up with those who are foolish. You put up with it, 1) if someone enslaves you, 2) if someone devours you, 3) if someone takes advantage of you, 4) if someone puts on airs, 5) if someone beats you in the face. To my shame I confess that it is as though we were weak.
But, in whatever way anyone is bold (I speak foolishly), I am bold also: 1) Are they Hebrews? I am too. 2) Are they Israelites? I am too. 3) Are they Abraham’s offspring? I am too. 4) Are they Christ’s servants? I even more (I speak as out of my mind): a) in labors all the more, b) in jails all the more, c) in beatings much more, d) in deaths often. e) Five times I received from the Jews forty lashes minus one; f) three times I was beaten with rods; g) I was stoned once; h) I was shipwrecked three times; i) I have drifted in the deep for a day and a night; j) in travels often, k) in dangers of rivers, l) in dangers of thieves, m) in dangers of my race, n) in dangers of the Gentiles, o) in dangers of the city, p) in dangers of the country, q) in dangers of the sea, r) in dangers of false brothers, s) in labor and hardship, t) sleepless often, u) in hunger and thirst, v) in fastings often, w) in cold and nakedness. x) Beside the daily pressure on me from without, there is concern for all the congregations: 1) Who is weak, and I am not weak? 2) Who is caused to stumble, and I am not angered? If it is necessary to boast, I will boast of the things of my weakness. The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, blessed [extoled]forever, knows that I am not lying. In Damascus, the governor, under Aretas the king, was guarding the city of the Damascenes, to capture me, but through a window in a wall I was lowered in a rope-basket, and I escaped his hands. [AD 36ish] {11:33}
Boasting is necessary, but it does no good. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a man in Christ, who fourteen years ago [about AD43-prior to going to Antioch] was caught up to the third heaven (whether bodily or not, I do not know, but God knows). Yes, I know such a man (whether in the body or not, I do not know; God knows) who was caught up into Paradise [not Hades], and he heard unutterable words, not lawful for a human to speak. I will boast on behalf of such a man, but I will not boast on my own behalf, except in my weaknesses. However, if I wish to boast, I will not be foolish, for I will speak the Truth. But I refrain, so that no one will think of me above what he sees in me, or what he hears about me, even in the excellency of the revelations. That I might not be arrogant, a thorn in the flesh, an agent of Satan, was given to torment me, so that I might not be arrogant. I begged the Lord three times about this, that it might leave me, but He told me, “My Grace is enough for you, because strength reaches completion in weakness.” I will therefore boast in my weaknesses most gladly, so that Christ’s strength will remain upon me. For this reason, I am content in weaknesses, in insults, in necessities, in persecutions and troubles, for Christ’s sake; because I am strong when I am weak. {12:10}
I have become foolish; you forced me. I should have been commended by you, for I am not inferior to the preeminent Apostles in any way, though I am nothing. The signs of an Apostle (signs and wonders and miracles) were indeed done among you with all patience. How were you treated worse than the rest of the congregations, except that I myself did not burden you? You all must forgive me this wrong. Behold! {You all must listen, now!] This is the third (3rd) time I have planned to come to you, and I will not burden you, for I do not seek your things, but more so, you. Children ought not to save for their parents, but more so, the parents for their children. I will most gladly spend, even be completely spent, for your souls. Though I love you all the more, am I less loved? So be it! I have not burdened you; but more so, since I am cunning, I trapped you. Did I take advantage of you through the one I sent to be with you? I invited Titus and sent with him the brother. Did Titus take advantage of you? Did we not walk in the same spirit? Did we not walk in the same steps? {12:18}
(8th) All this time you are thinking that we are defending ourselves. In God’s sight we are speaking in Christ, and all things, beloved, are for your upbuilding. But, I am afraid that when I come, I will not find you such as I wish, and I will not be found by you, such as you wish, as there will be: [1] strife, [2] jealousy, [3] anger, [4] feuds, [5] evil speaking, [6] tale-bearings, [7] conceits, [8] disorders; so, when I come, God will humiliate me again before you; and that I will mourn over many who had [A] previously sinned and [B] had not reformed their minds and lives about the [a] uncleanness, and [b] fornication, and [c]sensuality, which they have practiced. This is the third (3rd) time I am coming to you. “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every saying will be established.” [Duet.19:15] I have said before, and I forewarn those who have sinned previously, and all others (as though I were present the second (2nd) time, and now am absent), that if I come again, I will not spare, since you are seeking a proof in me of the speaking of Christ, Who is not weak in you, but strong. He was crucified in weakness, but more so, He lives by God’s strength. We ourselves are also weak in Him, but more so, we will live with Him by God’s strength toward you. {13:4}
It is imperative that you all [A] test yourselves (constantly) to see whether you are in ‘the Faith’; [B] you must prove yourselves [constantly]. Do you not understand that, unless Jesus Christ is in you, you are disapproved? I hope you understand that we are not disapproved. We pray to God that you do nothing wrong; not that we should appear approved, but more so, that you might accomplish what is ‘Good’, though we be as disapproved. We cannot do anything against the Truth, but more so, for the Truth. We rejoice when we are weak, but you are strong; we pray that you may be made complete. {13:9}
I write these things [4th Letter] while I am absent, so that when I am present, I might not have to deal sharply, according to the authority the Lord gave me for building up, and not for tearing down.
Finally, brothers: [1] you must rejoice! [2] You must mend your ways, [3] it is imperative you all be comforted, [4] you must think the same thing, [5] you must be at peace, and [if so] the God of love and peace will be with you. You must greet one another with a sacred kiss. All the saints greet you. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.