
Dr. Paul’s Contemporary History to the Ephesians


Dr. Paul had a long and successful work with Jesus’ Kingdom in and out of Ephesus (was there over three years). His team while there grew dramatically, including their abilities. The congregation for years after Dr. Paul’s leaving, even with all kinds of problems, influenced many. History indicates that Professor John moved to the area, up to his incarceration (A.D.94-96), from about A.D. 66-94ish.

This contemporary history by Dr. Paul is an explanation of the purpose of God for the ‘Plan’ He had developed from eternity for many sons and daughters. It is a single, unique ‘Plan’ for His creation, which explains why and how worship and service of He and His Son-Jesus Christ the Savior and King of all mankind, declared they must be, if one is to be well-pleasing to Them, while folks lived out their time on Earth and/or until He ends ‘TIME’, which He revealed several times, is coming.

This Treatise explains that Kingdom, which is superior to any kingdom or government man can conceive (Dr. Paul is in house arrest in Rome, which was and is considered to be one of man’s ’greatest’ kingdoms, when he wrote this Thesis on Jesus’ Kingdom.). It might have a title: THE GREATEST AND UNIQUE KING AND KINGDOM (that will ever exist in Earth’s time of existence), AND HOW TO SERVE & KEEP IT PLEASING TO HIM (you can fall out of His Grace)!

I. Among the Greek manuscripts that we have are some without the phrase ‘the Ephesians’ being named the receiver of the Letter. Thus, as done in many instances, it seems that Dr. Paul made copies for distribution (as done in his Galatian contemporary history and the Note from the Jerusalem congregation, which he distributed in the provinces of Syria, Cilicia, and Galatia.). He also had the congregations share and copy the Text he sent to them personally, thus, it is believed that the Letter mentioned in the Colossian Text (He wanted them to share their Letter with Laodicea and for Laodicea to share their Letter with Colossae’s congregation.) The Laodicea Letter, since It likely was carried by Tychicus, was probably the same Letter Dr. Paul sent by Tychicus to Ephesus (Thus, this is the intent he had for copies not having ‘Ephesus’ in the introduction.)

II. His description of God’s eternal planning and design for His new Kingdom at the opening of this Letter, is the most complete rendering of His goals and plans for those in Jesus’ Kingdom.

III. He continues through his fourth ‘Thought’ to explain the structure of that Kingdom (It includes mentions of Jesus’ position in the Godhead (It also includes the Father and Holy Spirit), which he defines, clearly, in his Colossian Letter, also, Dr. Paul develops and instructs them, that God’s Plan of Salvation expects and designs Jewish converts and Gentile converts as His ‘one flock’ in one congregation in each city, just as Jesus prayed to happen in Prof. John’s contemporary history of ‘Jesus, the unique Son of God’ (in his 17th Thought.) He ends with a discussion of the ‘Mystery’.

IV. He then exhorts the reader of this Letter to ‘walk’ correctly in His Kingdom, several times, while explaining Jesus’ relationship with that Kingdom. It is the most complete and concise presentation of Jesus and the design of His Kingdom in the New Covenant.

Note: Some tenses are marked due to important understandings, such as: Present (->), Aorist (x), Imperfect (<-), Perfect (>|). Also, Singular (s), and Plural (p). And, the ‘subjective’ mood is indicated with a [j]. Also, ‘middle’ mood by [md]. Too, some Greek words are given for clarity- [oida], or the English use-[determined by facts].

Any time you read quotation marked words, they are part of Dr. Paul’s Text. But, all brackets [ ] or { } are additions to his Text for reference use.

We have only followed the “Thoughts” (1), (2), etc. of the writer (rather than English paragraphs, chapters, and verses) for a more correct understanding of the ‘Thoughts’ as written, following the ‘Theme’ of each Letter.

You will notice, also, that we have provided ‘outline’ notation for the Text (I,II,A,B,1,2,a,b, etc.), as Dr. Paul (and other contemporary historians) revealed this (their given) ‘Theme’. The development of THE GREATEST KING AND KINGDOM EVER ESTABLISHED is a complete revelation of the designed actions that each person that is ‘transferred’ into Jesus’ Kingdom ‘must’ know, understand and be a ‘doer’; recognized by God as reconciled and equipped for the eternal Kingdom coming at Jesus’ return.

Also, Note: Compare Colossians to this Letter-subject, details, order, word usage. Tychichus is the courier on the same trip as Colossians/Philemon was delivered.

Date: A.D. 61ish


(1st) Paul an Apostle of Christ Jesus by God’s Will, to the saints who are [in Ephesus], even to the faithful in Christ Jesus. Grace to you all and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. {1:2}

(2nd) Extol [only ONE worthy of magnificence, being recognized] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with ‘every’ spiritual blessing in the ‘heavenly realms’ in Christ, even as:

[A] He Himself ‘chose’ [x, mid, determined] us in Him before the founding of the world, that we are to be [->,inf, eimi]: [a] holy and [b] blameless before Him [c] in love; {1:4}

[B] He predetermined [x, planned/designed] us for ‘sonship’ in Him through Jesus Christ, according [a] to the good pleasure of His Will, [b] to the praise of the splendor of His Grace, which [c] He bestowed on us in the Beloved; {1:6}

[C] in Him we have [->, possess] the Redemption [ransom paid in full] [1] through His blood, [2] the forgiveness of our trespasses, [3] according to the riches of His Grace, which [a] overflowed to [x, lavished] us in ‘all’ wisdom and [b] thoughtfulness [correct, considerate inclinations]. {1:8}

[D] He ‘made understood’ [x] to us the ‘Mystery of His Will’ [explained in his 4th Thought & in his Colossian Letter-Thoughts 3, 4, 6, which was written at the same time and delivered by Tychicus on the same trip, & also in his earlier 2nd Letter to Corinth’s, 2nd Thought], [a] according to His good pleasure which He Himself purposed [x, mid, planned to publicly displayed] in Him, [b] even an administrator [of the “Plan of Salvation”] in the fullness of the times, [c] centering everything in Christ, the things in heaven and the things on the Earth. {1:11}

[E] ‘We’ have been made [x] ‘heirs’ in Him, having been predetermined [x, in eternity] according to the purpose [Plan] of the One Who is working all things according to the counsel of His Will, [1] that ‘we’, who had ‘before’ hoped in Christ, be [->, inf.] to the praise of His splendor. [2] In Him ‘you’ [p.], also, [a] having heard the Message of the Truth, [b] the Good News of ‘your’ salvation; [3] in Him ‘you’ [p.] having believed [x], were ‘sealed’ [x] with the Holy Spirit of Promise, Who is [->,eimi] the first installment of ‘our’ inheritance, unto the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His splendor. {1:14}

(3rd) Therefore, I, also, having heard of ‘the Faith’ [Jesus’ new Way] of you all in the Lord Jesus, and of the Love of you for all the saints, do not cease giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father: [1] give you a spirit of wisdom and [2] revelation [3a] from a ‘full understanding’ of Him; [3b] having the ‘eyes of the heart’ of you all enlightened, unto [causing] you to know [oida]: [a] what is the hope of His calling, [b] what is the riches of the splendor of His inheritance in the saints, and [c] what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. {1:19}

According to the manifestation [clear sight] of His mighty strength, which He worked in Christ, [A] when He raised Him from the dead and [B] seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms, [1]far above every: [a] domain and [b] authority and [c] power and [d] dominion and [e] every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in the world to come; and [C] He has subjected ‘everything’ under His feet; and [D] made Him “HEAD” over ‘all things’ to the called-out people, [a] who is His body, [b] the fullness of Him, Who [?] fills all in all.{1:23}

[A] You were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you once ‘walked’, [1] according to the course of this world, [2] according to the prince of the power of the air (the spirit now working in disobedient sons). [B] We all once lived among them in our fleshly desires: [1] indulging the cravings of the flesh and [2] of the mind, and [3] were by custom children of wrath as the rest. {2:3}

But God, [A] being rich in mercy, [B] because of the abundant love with which He loved us, [1] even when we were dead in trespasses, [2] made us alive [x] together in Christ, (you all are [->, eimi] by Grace still saved [>|]), and [3] He raised ‘us’ up together [x], and [4] seated [x] ‘us’ in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, [5] so that in the coming ages He could show [x, prove by] the immeasurable riches of His Grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. {2:7}

By Grace you all are [->] through faith still being saved [>|], but this [?] is not of yourselves! It [?] is God’s gift, not of works, so that no one might boast. [1] We are His workmanship, [2] having been created [x] in Christ Jesus for good works, [3] which God prepared in advance [x] that [4] we should ‘walk’ in them. {2:10}

You must remember that ‘when’ [a] you were Gentiles in the flesh [not anymore], [b] who are called the uncircumcision by those who are called the circumcision in the flesh, done by hand. At that time, you always were without Christ: [a] being foreigners to the nation of Israel, and [b] strangers to the Covenants of the Promise, [c] hopeless and [d] godless in the world. But, in Christ Jesus, you who were then ‘far away’, have ‘now’ been made ‘near’, by Christ’s blood. {2:13}

He Himself is ‘our’ peace, [A] having united ‘both’: [1] as by His flesh He broke down the separating wall, the enmity. [2] He set aside the Law of Commandments in ordinances, that He might create in Himself ‘one new man’ of the two, making peace; and [B] that He might reconcile ‘both’ to God in one [unique] Body through the cross, having killed the hostility by it. {2:16}

When He came, He evangelized Peace, ‘both’ to you who were ‘far away’ and to those who were ‘near’, because through Him we ‘both’ have access by one [unique] Spirit to the Father. Therefore, [A] ‘you’ are no longer strangers and aliens, but [B] ‘you’ are fellow-citizens with the saints and members of God’s family. [C] ‘You’ have been built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Keystone [Ps118:22; Is.8:14,28:16]. By Him all the building, [1] having been joined ‘together’, [2] develops into a sacred Temple in the Lord; and [3] by Him ‘You’ [both] are being built together into God’s dwelling-place in the Spirit. {2:22}

(4th) For ‘this reason’ [?], I, Paul, am a prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles; if indeed you have heard of the stewardship of God’s Grace that was given to me for you, that by revelation, the Mystery was made understandable to me, as I already have briefly written [in 2nd Thought]. {3:3}

As you read, [A] you can comprehend my understanding in the Mystery of Christ, which [B] ‘in other generations was not made understandable to the human family’, as [C] It has ‘now’ been revealed by the Spirit to His dedicated Apostles and Prophets, that the Gentiles should be: [a] fellow-heirs, [b] members of the same body, and [c] sharers together of the Promise in Christ Jesus through the Good News, of which [D] I became a servant, according to the gift of God’s Grace which was given to me according to the working of His power. This Grace was given to me, to one who is less than the least of all saints, that I should: [1] evangelize to the Gentiles Christ’s fathomless riches; [2] that I should enlighten everyone about the ‘Plan’ of the Mystery, which ‘has been hidden for ages’ in God who created all things. {3:9}

‘Now’, the manifold wisdom of God should become understood” [x, j] [1] to [by] the rulers and to [by] the authorities in the heavenly realms [2] through the called-out people, [3] according to ‘the’ “eternal purpose”, which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. By ‘the Faith’ in Him, we have boldness and confident access, so I ask that you not be downhearted over my sufferings for you, which are your glory. {3:13}

For ‘this reason’ [?], I bend my knees to the Father, by Whom every family in heaven and on Earth is named, that He would grant, according to the riches of His splendor: [a] that you may be strengthened mightily in the inner person by His Spirit; [b] that Christ may dwell in your hearts through ‘the Faith’; [c] and since you have been rooted and grounded in love, that you may be fully able to comprehend with all the saints [They, worldwide, all held to the exact, unique new Way of Jesus’ Kingdom, which was now being written, and would be, until the New Covenant was finished!]: what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to understand Christ’s love, which surpasses understanding, that you may be filled with all of God’s fullness. [1:23] {3:19}

Now to Him, Who can do infinitely more than we ask or imagine, according to the power which works in us, to Him is the honor among the called-out people in Christ Jesus for ‘all’ generations forever and ever, amen. {3:21}

(5th) Therefore, I, the prisoner in the Lord, entreat [1] you all to ‘walk’ worthily [displays dignity] of the calling into which you were called: [a] with all humility and [b] gentleness, [c] with patience, [d] being lovingly considerate of one another. [2] Striving to maintain the ‘Unity of the Spirit’ in the bond of peace: [A] one [unique] Body and [B] one [unique] Spirit, as you also were called in [C] one [unique] Hope of your calling; [D] one [unique] Lord, [E] one [unique] Faith, [F] one [unique] Immersion, [G] one [unique] God and Father of all, Who is above all, and through all, and in all. [1:23] {4:6}

[This is ‘the’ “Plan”-it is ‘unity’ in doctrine and actions as He designed.]

‘Now’, the Grace has been given to each one of us according to the measure that Christ gave. Therefore, He said [Ps.68:18], “He ascended into the height, and He made captivity a captive, and gave gifts to men.” What does the statement mean, “He ascended,” if not that He Himself also descended into the lower parts of the earth [grave]? The One who descended is the same One Who ascended above all the heavens, that He might fill [accomplish] all things. [1:23] {4:10}

He gave some to be [1] Apostles, and some [2] Prophets, and some [3] Evangelists, and some [4] Shepherds-Teachers [all], [A] to equip the saints [B] unto a work of service, [C] unto the building up of Christ’s Body, until we all reach: [1] the Unity of ‘the Faith’, and [2] of the ‘full understanding’ of God’s Son. [3] To a mature man, [4] to the measure of the stature of Christ’s fullness, [a] that we may be children no longer, [b] tossed here and there by the waves, and [c] carried about by every wind of doctrine, [d] by men’s craftiness, and [e] by trickery with cunning deception. Thus, [in their walk] be maintaining Truth in love,[as Him] that we may grow in all things unto Him, Who is the HEAD, even Christ; out of Whom all the Body – being fitted together and united by every ligament that serves for support, according to the working in measure of each part – brings about the growth of the Body for a building up of itself in love. {4:16}

This, therefore, I say, and testify in the Lord, that you no longer ‘walk’ as the Gentiles, [A] in the futility of their thinking. They [1] have become darkened in their understanding, and [2] they are estranged from the life of God, [B] because of their ignorance and hardness of heart. These, [3] who have lost all feeling, [a] have given themselves over to sensuality, [b] to practice every immorality with greediness. {4:19}

[A] But, you [p] did not ‘learn’ Christ in this manner, [1] if indeed you heard Him, and [2] were taught in Him, [B] even as [all] Truth is [only] in Jesus: [1] to remove – pertaining to your former style of life – the ‘old person’, who is corrupt according to deceptive desires; [2] to be renewed in the spirit of your thinking, and [3] to put on the ‘new person’, [a] who was created after the image of God [b] in true righteousness and holiness. {4:24}

Therefore, [A] put away [1] the lie, and [2] you all must speak the Truth [1st of 35+-‘it is imperative…’ or ‘must’ reforms] [a] each one with his neighbor, because [b] we are members of one another. [B] Must you be angry? Yet, you must not sin; [1] you must not let [have] the sun set on your anger, [2] you must neither give place to the devil. [C] The thief must steal no longer, rather he must labor, doing honorable work with his own hands, that he may have something to give to the one who is needy. [D] From your mouth must not come any unwholesome words, but more so, that which builds up, as the occasion requires, that it may give Grace to the ones who hear. And [E] you must not grieve God’s Holy Spirit, by Whom you were ‘sealed’ until the day of redemption. [F] All bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and hurtful talk must be put away from you, with all malice; and you must be: [1] kind one to another, [2] tenderhearted, [3] forgiving one another, even as God in Christ has forgiven you. {4:32}

(6th) Ought [must] you yourselves not [A] be imitators of the God, [B] as beloved children? And [C] must ‘walk’ in love, even as Christ [1] loved us, and [2] gave Himself for us, [a] an offering and [b] a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. So, [D] fornication (and all filthiness) or greed, [1] it must not even be mentioned among you, as is fitting for saints; and [2] wickedness and [3] foolish talk, or [4] coarse jesting, which are not becoming, but more so, [5] thanksgiving. This you understand for certain, that no [a] fornicator, or [b] lewd person, or [c] one who is greedy (who is an idolater), has an inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and God. {5:5}

[6] You must let no one deceive you with empty words, for God’s anger comes on disobedient sons because of these things. Therefore, [7] you must not be partners with them, for you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. [8] You must ‘walk’ as enlightened children (for the fruit of the Light is in all, [a] goodness and [b] uprightness and [c] Truth), demonstrating what is well-pleasing to the Lord.

[9] You must have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but [10] you must rather expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak about the things being secretly done by them. All things being exposed are made visible by the Light, for everything that is made visible, is light. He therefore said, “You must wake, O sleeper, and you must arise from the dead, and Christ will shine upon you.” [Is 60:1ff; 26:19] {5:14}

[11] You all must look carefully [accurately] at how you ‘walk’: [a] not as unwise, but more so, as wise, [b] making the most of the time, because the days are evil. [c] You must not be foolish, but more so, you must understand ‘what is the Lord’s Will’. [12] You must not be drunk with wine, in which is debauchery, but must be filled with the Spirit, speaking to [among] yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Singing and plucking the strings of your heart to the Lord. {5:19}

[A] [All of you] Giving thanks always for all things to God, even the Father, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. [B] [All of you] Being subject ‘one to another’ in reverence of Christ. {5:21}

And, also, [A] the wives [are to be subject in reverence] [1] to their own husbands, as to the Lord, [a] because the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the HEAD of the called-out people, and [b] He Himself is the Savior of the Body. [2] But more so, as the called-out people are subject to Christ, so also are the wives to be to their husbands in everything. {5:24}

[B] Husbands, [1] you must ‘love’ your wives, even as Christ also [a] loved the called-out people, and [b] gave Himself for them, [2] that He might set them apart, [a] having cleansed them in the washing of the water by the Word, that [b] He might present the called-out people to Himself in splendor, [c] having no spot or flaw or any such thing, [d] but that they might be unblemished and set apart. {5:27}

[3] Husbands ought [must] to love their wives in ‘this’ way, even as their own bodies. [a] The one who loves his wife loves himself, for no one ever hated his own flesh, but more so, he nourishes and cares for it, [b] even as, also, Christ the called-out people, because we are members of His Body.

[4] A man, therefore, [a] will leave his father and mother, and [b] will be united with his wife, and [c] the two will be one flesh. [Gen2:24] [d] (This Mystery is great, but I am speaking about Christ and the called-out people.) [e] Moreover, each one of you must love his own wife as he loves himself, and [f] the wife should see that she respects [reverence to God] her husband. {5:33}

[C] Children, [1] you must obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. [2] Honor your father and mother (which is the first command with a promise-[Ex20:12], that it may be well with you, and that you may be a long time on the Earth. {6:3}

[D] Fathers, you must not provoke your children’s angry [to wrath], but more so, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. {6:4}

[E] Slaves, [1] you must obey your masters in the flesh [a] with fear and trembling, [b] in the sincerity of your heart, as to the Lord, [c] not with eye-service as men-pleasers, but more so, [d] as Christ’s slaves. [2] Doing God’s Will [a] from deep in your soul, [b] serving with enthusiasm, as to the Lord, and not to men, [c] knowing that each one will receive from the Lord whatever good he may do, whether he is a slave or free. {6:8}

[F] Masters, you must treat them the same way. Do not be harsh, knowing that both their Master and yours is in heaven, and He is not partial. {6:9}

Finally, [I] you all [A] must become strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. [B] You must equip yourselves with God’s armor, that you may be able to stand against the devil’s devices. Our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but more so, [1] against the rulers, [2] against the authorities, [3] against the world rulers of this darkness, [4] against the evil spiritual things in the heavenly realms. [C] You must take up God’s armor, that you might be able to stand your ground in the evil day, and after conquering everything, to stand. {6:13}

Therefore, [II] it is imperative that you stand: [A] with the belt of Truth around your waist; [B] put on the breastplate of uprightness [Is.59:17], and [C] on your feet the sandals of the Good News of the Peace; and above all, [D] take up the shield of ‘the Faith’, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one; [E] you must take the helmet of salvation [Is.59:17b], and [F] the sword of the Spirit, which is God’s Word. {6:17}

[1] You all praying [a] in spirit every time, [b] with every prayer and petition. [2] Staying alert, with ‘all’ perseverance [attention constantly] and petition for ‘all’ the saints, and for me; that [a] clarity may be given to me when I open my mouth, [b] to make understood with boldness the Mystery of the Good News, for which I am an ambassador in chains, [c] that I may speak boldly in It, as I must speak. {6:20}

(7th) Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will make you aware of all things, so that you may understand my situation, and what I am doing. I have sent him to you for this very thing, that you may understand our affairs, and that he may encourage your hearts. {6:22}

Peace to the brothers, and Love with assurance from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Grace be with all of those whose love for our Lord Jesus Christ is imperishable.